Kaleli Şaft ve Metal Sanayi

Quality Control


Destructive-Non-Destructive Metallurgical Controls

Raw material and heat treatment inspections are carried out with Micro-Vickers, Brinell, Rockwell, mobile hardness devices, metallography microscope and camera-imaging software.

Coating-Paint Controls

The verification of coating and painting processes are done with coating/paint thickness gauge and cross-cut tests, in addition to visual inspection.


CMM Measurements

Dimensions up to 900x1500x800 mm can be measured with our DEA CMM.

Dimensional Measurements

In addition to mechanical measuring instruments, we have profile projector and surface roughness tester in our company.

Destructive Welding Inspection

Hardness test for welding and heat affected zones, penetration tests and defect (crack etc.) detection tests are carried out by our welding quality control team.
